
Press Releases

Georgia Farm Bureau Presents State Awards

Posted on Dec 10, 2019 at 0:00 AM

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                               

CONTACT: Jennifer Whittaker

478-474-8411, ext. 5334


Georgia Farm Bureau Presents State Awards


MACON, Ga. -乔治亚农场局(GFB)在杰基尔岛举行的第82届年度会议上表彰了该组织的最佳志愿者和县分会. 这些州奖获得者因他们在过去一年中完成的促进农业发展的项目而受到表彰.

“Volunteer members are the lifeblood of our organization. They do a lot, 从给当地学校的学生读书到参加县委员会会议,再到拜访各级民选官员,” GFB President Gerald Long said. “我们的志愿者推动GFB前进,以各种方式促进农业发展. 没有一个庞大而忠诚的志愿者网络,农业局代表乔治亚州农民的工作是不可能的. 我们为他们代表我们所做的工作感到非常自豪, and we congratulate the individual award winners, county volunteers and staff who received state awards.”

GFB从其三个成员类别中分别提名了一名麦凯米奖得主——这是授予县农业局的最高荣誉,以表彰其整体十大靠谱网赌官方平台计划. Bacon County Farm Bureau, whose president is David Lee, received the McKemie Award for the small membership category. Polk County Farm Bureau, whose president is James Casey, won the McKemie Award for the medium membership category. Franklin County Farm Bureau, whose president is Michael Thomason, received the award in the large membership category. The McKemie Award is a memorial to former GFB President W.J. McKemie.

Finalists for the McKemie competition, listed alphabetically, in the small membership category were: Crawford, Heard, Jasper, Macon, Treutlen, Turner and Upson counties. Finalists in the medium membership category were: Berrien, Decatur, Greene, Jeff Davis, Pike, Screven, Stephens, Toombs and Troup counties. Finalists in the large membership category were: Banks, Cherokee, Cobb, Coffee, Habersham, Henry, Paulding, Newton and Walker counties. 

颁发的其他州奖还包括:杰出推广奖 & Education Award received by Franklin County Farm Bureau; Outstanding Women’s Leadership Committee Award received by Franklin County Farm Bureau; Outstanding Legislative Committee Award received by Mitchell County Farm Bureau; and Outstanding Young Farmer Committee Award received by Polk County Farm Bureau.  

Staci Waters, the Barrow County Farm Bureau (BCFB) office manager, 获得该组织的杰出办公室经理奖. Waters, who has been employed with BCFB since 2013, 她在当地社区推广农业和农场局所做的工作得到了认可. 沃特斯负责协调BCFB全年的农业宣传和农业课堂活动.

Diana Cole, an elementary teacher in Barrow County, 获得GFB颁发的2019年乔治亚州农业课堂年度教师奖.  Cole, 在斯坦森小学教二年级到四年级的老师, 因为在阅读中融入农业信息而得到认可, writing, math, 科学和社会研究课程,教她的学生农业如何影响他们的日常生活. 她获得了500美元的奖金,并免费前往盐湖城参加全国农业课堂会议, Utah, in June 2020.


特纳县的杰夫·兰姆赢得了2019年GFB优质干草大赛, 对任何生产百慕大草干草的十大靠谱网赌官方平台成员开放吗. 参加比赛的干草样品在佐治亚大学测试实验室使用相对饲料质量(RFQ)测试进行测试, 哪一个预测纤维的消化率和牲畜吃干草的可能性. Lamb’s winning Russell hay had an RFQ rating of 155.57.  他赢得了威猛(Vermeer)制造公司提供的一台威猛(Vermeer) TM1200牵引式割草机一年的免费使用权,并可选择在年底以折扣价购买该割草机.

GFB also recognized its Young Farmers & 在YF期间宣布的牧场主竞争活动获胜者&R Summer Leadership Conference in July. The YF&R名获奖者是:科尔奎特县的Preston和Kendall Jimmerson,他们赢得了2019年GFB YF&R Achievement Award; Rachel and Jason Kinsaul of Morgan County who are the 2019 GFB YF&R Excellence in Agriculture Award recipients; Kaitlyn Marchant of Morgan County who won the 2019 YF&R Discussion Meet; and Walt Pridgen of Coffee County who was voted the GFB YF&R Member of the Year.

Founded in 1937, 乔治亚州农场局联合会是该州最大的综合农场组织,拥有158个县分会. As a membership-driven, nongovernmental organization, GFB通过在立法问题上为格鲁吉亚农民和农村地区宣传和推广格鲁吉亚商品,为他们发声. 它的志愿者成员积极参加提高农业意识的活动.

GFB十大靠谱网赌官方平台资格向公众开放,并提供各种各样的福利, including insurance and discounts for health services, travel and family entertainment. 参加任何十大靠谱网赌官方平台福利都是可选的,而不是成为十大靠谱网赌官方平台的必要条件. 如果您想了解更多有关农业的信息,请访问,比如Facebook上的Georgia Farm Bureau,或者在Twitter上关注GFB.


乔治亚州农场局(Georgia Farm Bureau,简称GFB)在该组织第82届年会上表彰了促进农业的县农场局和个人成员的个人成就. GFB President Gerald Long (back row, (最左)祝贺2019年GFB奖获得者:(前排, from left) GFB Outstanding Office Manager Staci Waters of Barrow County; Heather Cabe accepting the GFB Outstanding Women’s Leadership Committee Award for Franklin County Farm Bureau; Michael Thomason accepting the GFB McKemie Award in the organization’s large membership category for Franklin County; and Max Freeman accepting the GFB Outstanding Promotion & Education Committee Award for Franklin County; (back row, second from left) David Lee accepting the GFB McKemie Award for Bacon County Farm Bureau in GFB’s small membership category; Madison Atkins accepting the GFB Outstanding Young Farmer Committee Award for Polk County Farm Bureau; and James Casey accepting the GFB McKemie Award for Polk County in GFB’s medium membership category.


(Photo courtesy of Georgia Farm Bureau.)



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