

Water on Farmers’ Minds as 乔治亚州农场局 Holds 79th Annual Convention

发布 2016年12月6日 在凌晨0点



政府. Nathan Deal spoke at the 79th Annual 乔治亚州农场局 Convention on Jekyll Island on Dec. 5. (photo courtesy of 乔治亚州农场局)

杰基尔岛,乔治亚州. -约1,500 Georgia farmers and agribusiness leaders from across the state met on Jekyll Island Dec. 4-6 for the organization’s 79th annual convention. 为期三天的活动包括一个贸易展览和商品会议,向农民提供影响格鲁吉亚主要商品的政策和生产问题的最新情况. 在12月10日的全体会议期间. 5名与会者听取了州长的意见. 内森·迪尔,美国.S. 森. David Perdue, Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black and 佐治亚大学农业学院 & Environmental Sciences (CAES) Dean Sam Pardue.

GFB President Long reviews first 11 months in office



 乔治亚州农场局 President Gerald Long, left, welcomes 政府. Nathan Deal to the 79th Annual 乔治亚州农场局 Convention on Jekyll Island. Deal spoke to GFB members during the general session of the convention on Dec. 5. (photo courtesy of 乔治亚州农场局) 

While delivering his annual address to 乔治亚州农场局 members, GFB President Gerald Long expressed excitement at the possibility for former 政府. 桑尼·珀杜将被任命为美国总统.S. 农业部长.

“Former 政府ernor Perdue would be an excellent choice for the job. 农业部长桑尼·珀杜将是格鲁吉亚和美国农业伟大的一天,朗说.

Long reviewed his first 11 months in office, during which he has visited with Farm Bureau leaders all around the state.

“I have learned a lot, and I want to thank all of you for that.  You have welcomed me to your farms and into your homes. You have invited me to meetings in your counties and districts, and it has been more help to me than you can imagine,朗说.  “格鲁吉亚是一个非常多元化的州, 在我们共同促进农业发展的过程中,与你们的访问使我获得了宝贵的见解.”

一如既往地, weather events have created serious issues for the state’s farmers, 长说, from the ongoing drought to the damage caused by Hurricane Matthew. Persistent low commodity prices have also presented challenges, as have federal regulations. 

Long向与会者介绍了GFB的法庭之友在佛罗里达州起诉乔治亚州的最高法院案件中提交的简报. 该案件的审判阶段已经结束,法院任命的特别法官可能在今年年底前向法院提出建议.

“No matter what decision the court finally hands down, the verdict will directly impact farmers’ ability to use water in this state.  This court decision is not just some legal exercise orconcept. 这个决定将影响到你和我——我们的农场、我们的土地、我们的庄稼和我们的生计。.

 在国会开始审议下一个农业法案之际,与大宗商品价格的斗争具有特别重要的意义. 朗说,重要的是,农民在表达对联邦农业项目的支持时,要团结一致.

“这场辩论中的一些声音正在寻求彻底改变美国的农业政策. 他们将美国农业生产率的提高解读为适得其反,甚至是破坏性的,朗说. “我们必须准备好在农业法案辩论中捍卫美国农民,不仅因为这是我们的使命, but also because our nation depends on sound farm policy. 乔治亚州农场局 believes American food security is a national security issue, and we will engage on this debate with that as our vision.  我们将继续与美国农业局和其他组织合作,推进一项加强美国粮食安全的农业法案.”

“I joined Decatur County Farm Bureau because I wanted to have a voice in agriculture, and Farm Bureau is the best place to do it,朗说.  “这就是你们在这里的原因. 我们付出时间和才能的原因是,农业局是我们扩大集体声音的工具——成为乔治亚州农民的声音.”

政府. Deal discusses decisions driven Supreme Court water case

迪尔向GFB成员介绍了该州为缓解持续干旱所做的努力,以及农业如何融入该州的水资源管理计划, and how decisions on water conservation have been driven by the Supreme Court case.



“我向你们保证,格鲁吉亚一直在为你们和所有格鲁吉亚人的利益而努力,采取积极措施保护你们和你们同胞的利益,Deal说. “You have a right to know the things that impact your work and your livelihood. 我向你们保证,我不会也从未背弃过乔治亚州最大的产业.迪尔表示,为了与佛罗里达州达成水资源共享协议,已经进行了多次尝试, 没有成功.

Despite growing by more than 1 million people over the past decade, 亚特兰大市区正在减少取水, 协议说, 注意到人均消费在同一时期下降了约30%.

Deal discussed his decision in 2015 to move responsibilities of the Georgia Soil & Water Conservation Commission to the Environmental Protection Division (EPD). 他解释说,环保署是唯一拥有执法权力的国家机构,将在法院得到承认. 他接受了对这一决定的批评, but said the move was made to protect farmers’ interests, 希望特邀大师能考虑到国家主动采取的节水措施. 

“我认为,与其等待最高法院告诉我们该怎么做,不如州政府自己管理自己的问题,Deal说. “That’s why I refuse to sacrifice agricultural interests in this war. 我不会背弃你们,也不会在这场斗争中忽视我们州的经济利益.”

David Perdue provides outlook for 115th Congress

 森. David Perdue spoke at the 79th Annual 乔治亚州农场局 Convention on Jekyll Island on Dec. 5. (photo courtesy of 乔治亚州农场局)

森. 珀杜重申了他对乔治亚州农业的承诺,并对国会有能力与即将上任的特朗普政府合作,废除《十大老品牌网赌网址大全》等法规表示乐观.S., 废除平价医疗法案(通常被称为奥巴马医改),并通过Keystone管道的授权,以帮助满足国家的能源需求.


This regulatory environment is sucking the very life out of our free enterprise society,珀杜说, 注意到美国.S. 在过去的8年里,尽管利率很低,燃料价格也不贵,但美国经济的增长率仍为0.5%. “You on the farm feel it more readily and more directly than most people.”

Ag Commissioner Black offers tips to help Farm Bureau chapters bat .400

布莱克的评论集中在县农业局可以做好的七件事上. They included finding something to stop doing, protecting the Georgia Agricultural Tax Exemption (GATE), 采用GDA的20/20愿景计划, taking conversations about food and agriculture from “sustainable” to “stewardship-able,” embracing technology and social media to connect with consumers, 投资时间, efforts and resources into improving communities, 并为美国祈祷.S.

 “I believe if we were to embrace these seven principles we all can bat .400. To do that would be special for our industry,” 黑色表示.

找一些事情停止做, 黑色表示, refers to eliminating activities or programs that are ineffective. 保护GATE意味着确保与农业生产有关的商品和燃料的销售税豁免不被滥用. 20/20愿景是GDA的目标,即在佐治亚州所有学校食堂的饭菜中有20%由佐治亚州种植的食物组成.

While the conversation about agriculture very often focuses on sustainability, 黑色表示 farmers go beyond sustainability in being good stewards of the land.

Dean Sam Pardue previews new initiatives in UGA College of Ag

佐治亚大学农业学院 & Environmental Sciences (CAES) Dean Sam Pardue talked about living in an age of uncertainty, pointing out that there is uncertainty in agribusiness due to a number of factors, including population growth and fluctuating retail food prices, 以及CAES的不确定性.



“Our college is committed to providing multiple pathways for those students,” Pardue said.

While the college adjusts to his leadership, he’ll be tasked with finding a replacement for Associate Dean for Research Robert Shulstad, 帕杜说他要辞职了.

Pardue also discussed the issue of agricultural access to water, 注意到农业对水的需求使得农业找到扩大水供应的方法非常重要, increase current water use efficiency and improve water quality and treatment facilities.


Buddy Carter welcomes GFB to 1st Congressional District

 U.S. 代表. 巴迪·卡特欢迎GFB的人群来到乔治亚州第一国会选区,并指出众议院已经通过了资助医学研究的法案, 一项国防开支法案,并将在本周内就联邦预算的持续决议进行投票.


成立于1937年, 乔治亚州农场局是该州最大的综合农场组织,拥有158个县办事处. Its volunteer members actively participate in local, 促进非农业邻国农业意识的州和国家活动. GFB offers its members a wide variety of benefits, 包括十大靠谱网赌官方平台, 但是参加任何十大靠谱网赌官方平台福利都是可选的,而不是十大靠谱网赌官方平台资格的要求.

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